
Font Frenzy: How to Change iPhone Fonts for Beginners

  • While changing the iPhone font is a personal preference, iOS 16 has some interesting font-related features to amp up your iPhone experience.
  • Several font options are available for iPhone, including changing the system font, altering the app font, installing the new font, and using a custom keyboard.
  • Some apps don’t support custom fonts and size adjustments, and custom keyboards don’t work with all apps.

Are you tired of staring at the same old font on your iPhone? Do you want to add personality to your text using a different font style? If so, you’re in luck. There are multiple ways to change the font on your iPhone, from simple size and style adjustments to installing custom fonts. In this article, we’ll go over the options available to modify font on your iPhone and provide step-by-step instructions on how to change font on iPhone.

How to Change the System Font on iPhone

One of the easiest ways to change font on your iPhone is through the device’s settings. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Select the Display & Brightness option.
  3. Scroll down and select the Text Size & Font option.
  4. Use the slider to adjust the text size to your preference. You can also tap the Larger Text option to access a larger range of text sizes.
  5. If you want to enable bold text, toggle the Bold Text switch to the on position.

Note: Changing the text size and enabling bold text will affect the font throughout the system, including app interfaces, menus, and native apps like Mail and Messages.

How to Adjust the App Font on Your iPhone

Changing the system font affects the majority of the text on your iPhone. But some apps have their own font settings that allow you to change the font within the app. For example, the Facebook app has a Text Size option in the app’s settings menu that allows you to adjust the font size for the app specifically.

To check if an app has its own font settings, consult the app’s documentation or look for a Font or Text Size option in its settings menu.

How to Install Custom Fonts on iPhone

If the font options provided by your iPhone aren’t enough for you, you can install a new font on your device. This will allow you to use a broader range of fonts throughout your device, including in apps that support custom fonts. 

To install a new font on your iPhone, you’ll need to download a font installation app from the App Store. There are several font changer apps, such as AnyFont, Font Diner, and iFont. Follow the instructions provided by the app to install and customize font on your iPhone. 

Note: Keep in mind that not all apps support custom fonts. You may find the new font you installed only works in certain apps or system menus. 

Using a Custom Keyboard to Change the Font

Another way to alter font on your iPhone is using a custom keyboard app. Custom keyboard apps, such as Cool Fonts and Font Keyboard, allow you to type in a different font within any app that supports keyboards. 

To use a custom keyboard on iPhone, you need to install a custom keyboard app from the App Store and enable the keyboard in your iPhone’s Settings. Here’s how to do it: 

  1. Install a custom keyboard app from the App Store.
  2. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  3. Select the General option.
  4. Scroll down and select the Keyboard option.
  5. Tap the Keyboards option.
  6. Tap the Add New Keyboard option.
  7. Select the custom keyboard app you installed from the list.

Once you’ve enabled the custom keyboard, you can switch to it by tapping the globe icon on the bottom-left corner of the default keyboard. The custom keyboard will have its own unique layout and instructions for typing in different fonts. Consult the app’s documentation or in-app instructions for more information on how to use it.

Limitations and Considerations

While it’s relatively easy to update font on your iPhone, there are a few limitations and considerations to keep in mind:

  • Not all apps support custom fonts or font size adjustments. As mentioned earlier, some apps may have their own font settings, while others may not allow you to change the font at all.
  • Custom keyboards may not work with all apps. Some apps, such as password managers and banking apps, may not allow you to use a custom keyboard for security reasons. 
  • Installing custom fonts may impact the performance of your device. Installing multiple custom fonts or using a font installation app that is not optimized can slow down your device and drain your battery.


Different methods are available to change the font on your iPhone, from simple size and style adjustments to installing custom fonts. Whether you want to make your text easier to read or add some personality to your device, there’s an option for you. Just be sure to consider the limitations and potential impact on your device’s performance before making any changes.


Q: Can I change the font size and style for individual apps on my iPhone?

A: Some apps have their own font settings that allow you to change the font within the app. Consult the app’s documentation or settings to see if this is an option.

Q: How do I install a new font on my iPhone?

A: To install a new font on your iPhone, you’ll need to download a font installation app from the App Store and follow the app’s instructions. Some popular font installation apps include AnyFont, Font Diner, and iFont. Once you’ve downloaded and installed a font installation app, you can use it to install new fonts on your iPhone.

Q: Can I use a custom keyboard to type in a different font on my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can use a custom keyboard app to type in a different font within any app that supports keyboards. Install a custom keyboard app from the App Store and enable it in your iPhone’s Settings.

Q: Can I install custom fonts on any iPhone?

A: No, all iPhones don’t support custom fonts. You need to have an iPhone running on at least iOS 13 to access custom fonts. According to Apple, iOS 13 is compatible with relatively older iPhones like the iPhone SE, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 Plus, etc. The iPhone 11 was the last model compatible with iOS 13. So, if you have an iPhone SE or above, you can easily install custom fonts.

Q: How do I reset the font on my iPhone to the default setting?

A: To reset the font on your iPhone to the default setting, go to the Text Size & Font option in the Display & Brightness section of the Settings app and reset the text size slider to the default position. To disable bold text, toggle the Bold Text switch to the off position. To remove any custom fonts that you may have installed, you’ll need to uninstall the font installation app or delete the custom fonts through the app’s settings.

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